Make Money With Your Blog

Who said making money blogging is an easy task? As well as annoncers get tired of spending that much time dealing with bloggers and media, bloggers are tired of getting dozens of requests a day: some don’t want to pay that much, others want longer articles, some others refuse upfront payment… Negociating with each request is time-consuming. A time that is precious for you to develop your blog. May you be a beginner starting your blog or an advanced blogger looking for a more profitable way of blogging, RankBL offers you THE solution to make more money with your blog. Just follow this guide:

Why trusting RankBL to make money with my blog?

Earing money with your blog is a long process. You must first spend some time and energy developping your blog before hoping your first profits. Once you are there, you usually spend so much time dealing with requests, that you often don’t have enough time to write more quality content.

RankBL offers you to deal with your requests so that you can focus on what you do at best: blogging. Here is what we can do for you:

  • We help you define the best possible publication guidelines for your blog. You can make the most of our linkbuilding expertise to build proper publication rules and conditions. Remember that we are a human agency, not a platform, and that our goal is to help you develop your blog at best!
  • We answer requests for you, according to your agreed guidelines, and proceed to negociation with clients. You can rely on our professionalism to accept only relevant requests and reliables announcers. You can always refuse an order if you consider it as irrelevant to your blog… but that really never happens with us, as we filter each request very strictly.
  • We write content, always according to your guidelines. You can rely on our specialised writing team to find an unique and original subject that will relevantly link the annoncer’s topic to the one of your blog. We can even send articles in HTML format to easy your work even more!
  • We keep track of your sales through our service, so we can gather invoices monthly. This way, you only need to edit one invoice at the end of the month.

One would say, “What is left to do then?” Well, nothing, that is the point! You just copy-and-past articles in your blog, and cash the money at the end of the month. The rest of the time, you can finally focus on building new content strategy and develop a better quality writing in odrer to improve your blog’s metrics and higher your price with time. Making money from your blog may not be that complicated in the end…

How much money can I make with my blog?

Let’s be honest, making money with a blog requires a little effort before earning a considerable profit. you need to start with a sufficient amount of content and set up a little blogging strategy. But as long as your blog is clean and natural, we will accept it in our catalog.

Even if it’s too weak in the beginning for us to agreed on a high rate, you can still register it in our catalog and make the most of the quality content we will send. More quality content equals better metrics, which willhelp you to increase your price in the end.

The rate we will agree on will depend on the following criteria:

What criteria must my blog meet?

Obviously, we can unfortunately not accept any blog in our catalog. But be reassured, we accept even small ones, as long as they are clean. If you want to make money blogging, your blog must have at least a little sufficient quality to bring you some earnings. What we consider as a quality bog is:

  • A blog that looks natural, above and before all.
  • A blog that is not too spammy.
  • A blog whith sufficient metrics.

Other criteria that we will need to define with you and may affect the price we will agree on are :

  • Will articles appear on homepage and be published naturally, like any other article of your blog?
  • Will there be a sponsored tag?
  • Will links be dofollow?
  • Will you accept any kind of anchor?
  • Will articles stay onsite permanently?
  • Are there thematics that you won’t accept?

How to get paid off my blog?

Now, you start to understand that making money with your blog is not such a pain. With RankBL, you can get paid so easily that you won’t consider it as a struggle any more. You just have to send an invoice at the end of the month, and we transfer the money on your bank or Paypal account in the 10 following days. Ready to make profit from your blog?

How to register my blog at RankBL?

Nothing easier, just send us a short notice indicating:

  • Your blog’s URL,
  • Your full name,
  • Your billing details,
  • Your preferred method of being paid.

We will then send an price offer and negociate publication conditions with your. Once we agree, we will add your site in our confidential newsletter to our current client potfolio, and keep offering it to all our future prospects. And there will our profitable partnership begging.


Now you get it, making money with your blog through RankBL is a kid’s play! So don’t wait and get in touch!

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