Review: Should You Invest Your Time and Money on “Great Courses”?

Now that this very strange academic year has come to an end, many students will want to continue their learning throughout the summer. Some will do it to increase their general knowledge and others because they have gotten used to learning online, as they had to do so for months during the pandemic. The famous Great Courses are an option that is offered to them. Although the price might seem quite high, let’s look at the reasons why it could be an interesting choice.

The Netflix of Learning

Great Courses has often been compared to Netflix, because it is the main company in terms of continuous learning on the Internet. Built in 1990 by Thomas M. Rollins, this company has redefined the model of lifelong learning, and many have copied it afterwards. Mr. Rollins is a former Chief Counsel of the United States Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources, which partly explains his interest in higher education for all.

In fact, the objective of Great Courses is to enable everyone to continue learning, whether they are still in school, already inside the work force or being home handling the family’s needs. They can find courses in almost all fields of competence and they have been prepared by some of the best professors from the various fields. A lot of them are available in video format as lectures by these same great teachers. All of this is being supported by a large wealth of material as well.

Not Just Online Courses

One of the most important differences between the Great Courses and other learning methods found on the internet is that it is not just based on online material. In fact, when someone decides to start learning from Great Courses, they are presented with information on various supports, including hard copies like workbooks, guidebooks, CDs and DVDs. At other times, the study content can also be sent by e-mail in PDF format. It provides its students with material they can go back to whenever they desire, unlike other companies who can remove their information from online at any time, leaving their students at a loss, unable to review what they want.

Also, not everyone is comfortable with online learning. There is a complete generation that has never lived without the internet but at least two others have done so. And just like reading a book, some prefer an electronic format (like Kindle) but others still need to have a book in their hands. It’s the same thing for learning, whereas many like to sit under a tree or on a terrace by the sea, pick up their material and read through it. And for those who only live in a digital world, there is a Great Courses mobile app they can download, from where they can control their studies.

One Hurdle: The Cost

The only problem for some customers is the price they have to pay for the Great Courses. When you are a student and still live on a low budget, it can be difficult to spend this kind of money on courses. But if the question is: “Is the price really worth the money?” The answer is: There is no doubt about it. It’s easy to be convinced. You simply have to look at the various reviews all over the internet to understand that all those who chose this learning tool are extremely satisfied with it and happy they have done so.

If there is simply no possibility for you to pay the cost of the Great Courses, then you can always wait for one of their special discounts. Black Friday is always a good moment to look into it, as one year they offered a 90% discount on their package on that date. But there are other moments throughout the year when they reduce the price from 50% to 85%. Look for the “Summer Saving Sale” and the “Employee Pricing Sale” for a great rebate.

Great Courses Plus

For those with an infinite appetite for learning, the company offers a special program called “Great Courses Plus”. This includes a much larger quantity of learning information which takes shape in unlimited video access to some of the greatest professors’ lectures around the world. That way, one can continue to learn on a daily basis for the rest of his life. Just to be sure that it fits your needs, Great Courses offer a one-month free trial. If you are not satisfied, you can then go back to the regular Great Courses program.

The only way to know if Great Courses is for you is to read about it more and to go on their website where you will find answers to the questions you may have. But if learning is your thing, you can be sure that you will enjoy viewing the lectures and reading the materials that come with it, all the while accumulating important amount knowledge.


Carry F.

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